The U-Step Walker and its role in aiding individuals with Parkinson’s disease
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- By Accessibility Medical
- Posted in Parkinson's, U-Step
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Did you know that the cause for Parkinson’s disease is still unknown? Parkinson’s is a disease that is unique to everyone it affects. Individuals with Parkinson’s disease experience a progressive degenerative disorder that affects the ability of the Substantia Nigra (midbrain) to secrete dopamine. This is important because dopamine helps control muscle activity. In about half of Parkinson’s cases, user’s may also experience mild cognitive effects that can present as dementia, irritation, depression, and can even disrupt sleep.
Since Parkinson’s disease effects muscle activity, individuals with the disease often show signs of tremors while resting, muscle rigidity, and display slow-paced body movements. Due to these common limitations, individuals with Parkinson’s disease can potentially experience changes in the way they walk. Most commonly, people with Parkinson’s may display slow, “shuffle”-like steps and may or may not swing their arms while walking.
U-step walker’s have unique functions that tend to help with individuals experiencing Parkinson’s Disease. U-step walkers have a “reverse” braking system. Instead of squeezing the breaks to stop, squeezing the handle will release the brakes. This system puts its user in complete control, ensuring they are ready for movement before movement takes place. U-step walkers also have the ability to display a laser on the ground that is used as a visual queue for its user. This encourages the user to fully extend their leg with each step, this combats the common “shuffle” step associated with Parkinson’s. U-steps are very stable, lightweight, and sport a turning radius that is near half of a standard walker.
While it is most common to see an individual with Parkinson’s Disease sporting a U-step walker, it is important to note that U-step walkers can potentially be beneficial for other circumstances (e.g. Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke, Other Neurological conditions).
If you have any questions regarding U-step walkers or any other product you may be interested in, please contact us at 1-866-201-3829. U-step walkers specifically can be found through this link:
We may be able to deliver this device directly to your home. Give us a call!
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